Counties since 1822- read and referred to the Joint Select Committee on Capital Punishments. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.
Bill to alter and define the criminal Jurisdiction of the Judicial Courts (reported in the House by the Committee on the Judiciary, to which was referred the subject of criminal Jurisdiction) was read once and to morrow at ten o'clock assigned for a second reading.
Resolve for the benefit of the town of Wilmarnoch was read the second lime and passed to be engrossed. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.
The Committee on Engrossed Bills reported as correctly engrossed. Bill is increase the Capital Stock of Maine Banks; -"- to incorporate the town of Madrid, -"- to incorporate the Proprietors of Mount Desert Bridge and the same were severally passed to be _____enacted._______
The same Committee reported as correctly engrossed. Resolve to admit Swall Cram to practice Law, upon certain conditions, as an Attorney in the Court of Common Pleas, and the same was _____________________finally passed.________________
Adjourned. Attest, William Trafton, Secretary.