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nor much skilled in Legislation, and less in the duties of the Chair. But as little knowledge as I have of the duties of the Chair I think I understand enough of them to know they are responsible and honorable, if discharge with abitily; if not, no honor can result to him who fills it, but quite contrary will be the effect. When I look around me and see so many at this Board, who, I am sensible are so much better qualified to discharge the duties you have assigned me, I hesitate as to the propriety of accepting the call. But when I take into consideration that you have called me by so handsome a majority of your suffrages, may I not take it as a pledge in advance, that you will be willing to overlook my imperfections and render me that assistance which will always be in your power to do: And that aid I shall at times need to make the duties of the Chair easy to me and pleasant to yourselves. With these views and these expectations, with the consideration that any services will not long be required, I do with diffidence accept the trust you have given me.

 I shall often go wrong through defect of judgement, but I trust my errors will not be intentional, and I bespeak your indulgence.
 I will now repair to the post you have assigned me but all I can promise you is my undivided attention and my best endeavors faithfully and impartially to discharge its duties while I may there remain.

On motion of Mr Swift, Ordered, that a message be sent to the House of Representatives and also to the Governor and Council, informing these Branches, respectively, that the Senate, in consequence of the absence of Josiah Pierce, President of the Senate, have elected John C. Tallbot, President, Pro. tem. Which messages were delivered by the Secretary.

Petition of Levi Cutter and others, praying for the incorporation of the Portland Exchange Company-