of receiving petitions of a private nature came up from the House amended by striking out all after the word "Ordered" and inserting "that all petitions of a private nature received by this Le- gislature from and after the fourth day of March next be referred without com- mittal, to the next Legislature, with- out special direction to the contrary" --read, adopted and passed in concur- rence.
The Committee of the House on Finance, to which was referred an or- der relative to a State tax, reported that a State tax is not necessary for the purpose of defraying the current expenses of the Government the ensuing year and ought not to be assessed on the inhabitants of this State -- read and accepted in concurrence.
Mr. Jewett from the Committee on Incorporation of Towns, reported leave to withdraw on petition of Jesse Brown and others, and John Strout and others -- read and accepted. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.
Mr. Benson from the Committee on Rail Roads and Canals, to which was recommitted "Bill additional to incor- porate the Bangor and Orono Rail Road Company, wiht special instructions reported in a statement of facts -- read and said Bill and the report on motion of