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Monday, February 29, 1836.

The Senate was called to order by the Secretary, who announced the absence of the President.

On motion of Mr. Merrow, Ordered, that the Senate now proceed to elect a President Pro tem, and that a Committee of three be appointed to receive sort and count the votes.

  Messrs. Merrow, Johnson and McIntire were appointed said Committee; who having attended the duties assigned them reported that the whole number of votes is __18.

Necessary to a choice _______10. John C. Talbot has _______17. Alexander McIntire _______1. John C. Talbot was declared duly elected. He signified his acceptance and took the Chair.

On motion of Mr. Staples, Ordered, that a Message be sent to the Governor and Council and also to the House of Representatives, informing those Branches respectively, that the Senate in consequence of the absence of Josiah Pierce President of that Board, have elected John C. Talbot, President, pro tem; Which message was delivered by the Secretary.

Order from the House of Representatives directing the Committee on State Roads