Saturday, February 14, 1835
The President being absent, the Senate was called to order by the Secretary.
On motion of Mr. Smith Ordered, that the Senate now proceed to elect a President, pro tem, and that a Committee of three be appointed to receive, sort and count the votes and Messrs Smith, Prescott, and Fish were appointed said Committee; who, having attended to the duties assigned the, reported that the whole number of votes given in is ------------------------ 16.
Necessary to a choice --------------- 9. Anson G. Chandler has 12. William Emmons has 2. Lucius Barnard has 1 Jonathan Smith has 1.
Anson G. Chandler was declared duly elected, who signified his acceptance of the office of President pro tem, in an address and took the Chair.
Address of the President pro tem, "Gentleman of the Senate:
Having thus unexpectedly offered me the honor indicated in the vote now given by this Board, I can only say, that I duly appreciate that honor, and am fully sensible too, of the responsibility that attend it. I must also say that I am aware of my want of that information and experience of the duties of the Chair requisite for their discharge with credit to myself or advantage to the Board ___ must, therefore, bespeak and principally rely upon the kind aid of the Gentlemen of the Senate, while my best endeavors are all I can promise on my part."