326. money to Limerick Academy - read and accepted. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.
Resolve in aid of the Maine Wesleyan Seminary was read the second time, and the question of passing the same to be engrossed in concurrence being ordered to be taken by yeas and nays (on motion of Mr. Latham) was decided in the affirmative, as follows, to wit: Yeas. Messrs. Allen, Barnard, Bartlett, Brown, Burnham, Chandler, Clark, Emmons, Farnham, Fish, F. Greene, Miller, McIntire, Pierce, Purinton, Randall and Smith, 17. Nays. Messrs. Latham, Mantor, McLellan, Prescott, Read and Tobin, 6.
Bill to incorporate the Agricultural Bank came up --- the House, insisting on their former vote, propose a Conference and appoint as Conferees on their part Messrs. Nickerson, Jarvis and Greely. The Senate concur in the proposition for a Conference and appoint as Conferees, on their part, Messrs. Barnard, Smith and Tobin.
Bill additional establishing the Municipal Court in the City of Portland came up -- the House, insisting on their vote passing said Bill to be engrossed, propose a Conference, and appoint as Conferees, on their part, Messrs. Webb of Windham, Brooks of Portland and Cobb of New Gloucester. The Senate insist on their vote of yesterday passing the same to be engrossed as amended, concur in the proposition for a Conference, and appoint as Conferees Messrs. Randall, Smith and Emmons.
Bill to increase the Capital Stock of the Exchange Bank came up -- the House insisting on their