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353. period we are not insensible, Sir, of the arduous and complicated duties which must have devolved upon the Chair. And it is with much pleasure that I am able to express on this occasion the known sentiment and feelings, particularly of my political friends at this Board for the very satisfactory manner, in which the duties of the Chair have been discharged in regard to them, during the present Session. They have not been regardless to the very careful manner, in which their rights, as political minority, have been uniformly respected by the presiding officer of the whole Senate. Permit me to add, Sir, that such a course is peculiar to those only, who look for public distinction by the exercise of an independent mind, and in the pathway of carefulness and honor. In accordance with these views, I ask leave to offer the following Resolve, which I trust, Sir, will meet the cordial approbation of every member present.

Resolved, That the thanks of the Senate be presented to the Hon. Josiah Pierce for the very dignified, able and impartial manner, which the duties of the Chair have been discharged during the present session. Which Resolve, being read by the Secretary, was unanimously passed.

Mr. Pierce then addressed the Senate as follows.

Gentlemen of the Senate: For the vote of thanks so kindly offered me at this time, be pleased to accept my heartfelt gratitude. I receive this honorable testimony of approbation