State Bank, Bill to establish 483. State Printing, Committee appointed to contract for 670, report 399. State Prison, Bill for the further regulation of 408, 432, 446. State Prison, Resolve concerning 479, 483. State Prison, Report of Commissions on 91, referred 161. State Prison, Report of Inspectors of, 117, referred 161. State Treasurer, annual report of 27, referred 27, report on 64. State Treasurer, Asa Redington Jr. elected 83, notified 84, acceptance 107, Bond 107, Report on 157, Gov. Informed of this election 339. State Treasurer, Report on an order relative pay for Clerk hire by, 33. State Treasurer, Resolve allowing, compensation for Clerk hire 138, 144. State tax dispensed with 260. State tax and assessments made by County Commissioners Bill relative to the collection of 124, 197, 205, 219. Steam Boat Company, Calais, Bill to incorporate, 400, 404, 431. Steam Mill Company, Castine, Bill to incorporate 138, 143, 205, 223. Steam Mill and Boom Company, Hallowell, Bill to incorporate, 359, 372, 407, 416, 450. Steam Mill Company, China, Bill to incorporate 131, 139, 158, 226, 245, 258. Steam Manufacturing Company, Casco, Bill to incorporate, 243, 257, 298. Steam Navigation Company, Cumberland, Bill and additional to incorporate 192, 200, 223. Steam Navigation Company, Damariscotta, Bill to incorporate, 341, 352, 394. Steam Navigation Company, Kennebec and Boston, Bill to incorporate 168, 175, 184, 193, 239, 258. Steam Navigation Company, Moosehead Lake, Bill additional to incorporate 229, 238, 274. Steam Navigation Company, Penobscot, Bill to incorporate 228, 238, 274. Stillwater Falls Company, Bill to incorporate 256, 267, 286. Stillwater Manufacturers Bank, Bill to incorporate 429, 433, 465. Stockholders in Banks in this State, Resolve requiring the names 91. Stillwater Canal Bank, Bill to increase the Capital Stock of 188, 385, 412.