Bill to incorporate the Frankfort Steam Mill, Wharf and Warehouse Corporation was read the second time and passed to be engrossed.
Sent down for concurrence;
Bill to incorporate the Kennebunk Port Granite
and Rail Road Company (amended)
-"- to authorize Jesse Russell Jr. and Bernard C.
Bailey to build a dam across tide waters in the town of Woolwich,
Resolve in favor of James W. Webster, severally read the second time and passed to be engrossed.
Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.
Bill to incorporate the North Yarmouth and Freeport
Stage Company,
-"- to incorporate the South Berwick Manufactu-
ring Company,
-"- to divorce True W. Dore from Nancy Dore his wife, severally read the second time and passed to be engrossed in concurrence.
Bill to establish the Belfast and Quebec Rail Road Corporation, on motion of Mr. Staples, was taken up, further amended and passed to be engrossed as amended.
Sent down for concurrence.
The Committee on Engrossed Bills reported as correctly engrossed, Bill additional to an Act to organize, disci-
pline and govern the Militia,
-"- to incorporate the Machias Water Power and
Mill Company.
-"- to incorporate the Greenleaf State and Coal