read the second time and the same, on mo- tion of Mr. Benson, was laid upon the table.
Bill concerning Hopewell Granite Company
(laid on the table by Mr Jewett)
-"- to extend the powers of Justices of the Peace
in certain cases (reported in the House by the Committee on the Judiciary, on an order rela- tive to executions issued on judgement ren- dered by Justices of the Peace
-"- to incorporate the New York and Hallowell
Granite Company (reported in the House by the Committee on Manufactures on petition of Ward B. Howard and others)
-"- to incorporate the Portland Granite Compa-
ny (reported in the House by the same Com- mittee on petition of Seth Clark and others)
-"- to incorporate the Maine Sythe and Shovel
Manufacturing Company (reported in the House in new draft by the same Committee to which said Bill had been recommitted
-"- to incorporate the Pleasant river Iron and Steel Company (reported by the same Committee on petition of Hamlin Davis and others - sever- ally read once and ten o'clock tomorrow as- signed for a second reading.
Bill to establish the Androscoggin Canal and
Mill Corporation,
-"- to incorporate the Saturday Cove Granite Com-
-"- to incorporate the Exchange Fire and Ma-
rine Insurance Company came up from the
House severally amended. The Senate reconsider their votes whereby they passed the same to be engrossed, adopt the amendments proposed by the House and severally pass