353 Bill to incorporate the Hollis Granite Company (reported by Mr. Frye from the Committee on the Manufacturer, on petition of John Neal and Others) -"- to incorporate the Maine Scienite Company, (reported by the same gentleman form the same committee, on the petition of Roscoc G. Greene and others) -"- to incorporate the Minot Shoe manufacturing Company (reported in the house by the same committee, on petition of Asaph Howard and others) Resolve to legalize certain official acts of Timothy Copp (laid on the table by Mr. Jarvis) -"- in favor of the Road from Moosehead Lake to Brighton (reported by Mr. Latham from the Committee on State Roads, on petition of Richmond Loring and others, Ephraim Packard and other and Peleg Washburn and Others) -"- in favor of the Belfast and Quebec Rail Road (introduced in the House) severally read once and tomorrow ten o'clock assigned for a second reading. The committee on Engrossed Bills reported as correctly engrossed Resolve in favor of John Clark Jr. _"_ in favor of George Brooks and the same where severally finally passed [underlined]
The same Committee reported as correctly engrossed Bill to change the name of the Maine Granite Company -"- to incorporate the Exchange Fire and Marine Insurance Company, -"- to incorporate the Madaceunk Mill Company and the same were severally passed to be Enacted [underlined]