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356 Bill to establish a Seminary for the purpose of promoting useful learning and the better qualifying primary School Teachers was read the second time, and the same, on motion of Mr Benson, was laid upon the table.

Bill for the preservation of Fish on the Kennebec River and its branches, was, on motion of Mr. Frye, recommitted.

 Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.

Mr Purington, from the Committee on Literature and Literary Institutions, reported leave to withdraw on petition of Thaddeus Hubbard and others, and Selectmen of Freemen; and reference to next Legislature on petition of Abiel F Kennedy and Mark Trafton - read and accepted. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.

The Committee on Division of Towns reported leave to withdraw on petition of Samuel Hilton and others - read and accepted, in concurrence.

Mr. Jewett, from the Committee on Incorporation of Towns, reported reference to the next Legislature on petition of the town of Howland read and accepted.

 Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.
Mr. Talbot, from the Committee on Roads and Bridges, reported legislation inexpedient on an order relative to removing snow from the roads in the winter - read and accepted.
 Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.