East Machias, Bill enlarging the power of Constables in the town of, 125, 132, 145. -"- -"- Canal Company, Bill to incorporate, 400, 406, 450. -"- -"- Sluice Company -"- -"- 302, 311, 342. Eastport Academy, Resolve in favor of, 373, 417. -"- Gunhouse in, Resolve for finishing 424, 433, 441. -"- Manufacturing Company, Bill to incorporate 278, 287, 330, 332, 360. -"- Saltworks, Bill to incorporate the proprietors of 369, 376, 390, 431. Eden Granite Company, Bill to incorporate 424, 432, 446. Education of Youth, Bill to provide for, 440, 447. Elder, Joshua, Resolve in favor of, 261, 268, 312. Elections, Bill additional regulating 461, 468, 483. Election of President and Vice President, Resolve relating to 482, 487. Electors of President & Vice President, Order referring Gov's message relative 52.