Granite Company, York County, Bill to incorporate 287, 297, 325. Great Works Milling & Manufacturing Company, Bill to incorporate 210, 218, 239. Greene, Bill to set off a tract of land from Lewiston to 30, 417, 428, 452. Greene, Charles, elected Counsellor, 19; notified 20, acceptance 62. qualified 63. Greenleaf State and Coal Company, Bill to incorporate 278, 287, 311, 324. Greenville, Bill to incorporate the town of 124, 131, 163 Gubernatorial vote laid upon the table by Secretary of State 6, referred 6, report 13. Gunhouse in Bangor, Resolve authorizing the acting Quarter Master General to convey a lot of land, & to dispose of 334, 343, 360. -"-"- in Eastport, Resolve for finishing 424, 433, 441. -"-"- in Wiscasset, Resolve authorizing the acting Quarter Master General to convey a lot of land, and to dispose of, 407, 416, 460. Guptill, Oliver C. appointed assistant Secretary 5.