Leave of absence, Amos Allen 473. -"- -"- Ira Fish 160. -"- -"- John M. Frye, 418. -"- -"- Levi Johnson, 292. -"- -"- Josiah Merrow, 292. -"- -"- Alexander McIntire 444. -"- -"- John Spear 438. -"- -"- John C. Talbot 423. Legislature, meeting of 1; Order relative to recess of 349, report, 366. -"- time fixed when, to hold two sessions a day 246, 294, 295. -"- Resolve requiring Treasurer to pay the members of, in gold and silver 206, 218, 249, 257, 371. Lewiston Academy, Bill additional respecting 226, 245. -"- -"- Resolve in favor of, 28, 288. -"- Bill to set off a tract of land from to Greene 30, 417, 428, 452. -"- Resolve in favor of the town of 303, 311, 329. Library for the use of the Legislature, Committee appointed to consider the expediency of 74, report 108. -"- Resolve for the purchase of, for the use of the Legislature 108, 110, 165. -"- Joint Standing Committee on, appointed 134. Lime Burners Bank, Bill to incorporate 196, 218, 385, 414, 423. Lime Burning Company, Waldoborough, Bill to incorporate 440, 444, 461. ___ Lime & Lime Casks, stone, Bill additional relative to the inspection of 370, 381, 390, 410. Lime Rock Bank, Bill to incorporate, 196, 385, 413, 471.