[page 738] when they treat their patients for insanity equal to that in any hospital, do they not cure a hundred almost where they send one to the hospital, of acute mania. Ans. All I know is of the patients that come to the hospital. My country practise has not been sufficient to enable me to answer. Ques. What are considered the best authors on insanity. Ans. Dixon, Hammons, a good many. Ques. You will find these works on the shelves of most any physician in the country. Ans. I am glad to hear it. Ques. The rules are hung up over the hospital. Ans. Yes sir. Ques. Would it make any difference if those rules were hung face to the wall, so far as the observation is concerned. Ans. I do not think it would. Ques. Are those rules as hung up generally followed by the attendants. Ans. They were not while I was there. It seemed to me that they were constantly being violated. Ques. Is it a fact that many diseases peculiar to females lead to insanity. Ans. I think they do. Ques. While you were there were you giving special treatment to females. Ans. There was none that I know of Ques. You are aware that puerperal fever leads to insanity. Ans. Yes sir.