[page 819] Q. You spoke of finding her in a certain room. What was her condition at that time? A. She had nothing on her person. I wrapped clothing round her and held her until the attendant came. Q. You spoke of consulting Dr. Hill in regard to her trouble. What was that trouble? A. She had been troubled with constipation Q. Had you called the attention of the physicians of the hospital to that fact? A. I had. Q. Several times? A. Yes sir. Q. Do you know whether she received any treatment for it? A. I dont know. My impression is she did some, but not to effect any result. Q. What did Dr. Hill prescribe? A. He prescribed elixir of buckthorn Q. Did that cure her of constipation? A. Yes, very effectually; helped her right away and she was very much better. Q. Did you consider that neglect of the physician? A. The Dr. said that she was very low. That was at the time, when she was very low indeed, and didn't speak or more, and he considered her so low that it was a hopeless case, I judged,