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ing the issuing, extending and serving of Executions" came up the House non concurring the amendment proposed by the Senate striking out Section 36 and insisting on their vote by which they passed the bill to be engrossed as amended by the addition of said section, came up; and the Senate so far receded from their former vote as to pass the bill to be engrossed with an amendment in said section. Sent down for concurrence

Bill entitled "An Act allowing to Coroners a further time, with which to give Bonds to the Treasurer of the State" which passed the House to be engrossed and came up for concurrence, was refused a passage to be engrossed in the second reading

Adjourned to meet at 1/2 past 2. Met according to Adjmt.

Committee of both Houses appointed to consider the expediency of causing an Order of Notice to be served on the Trustees of Washington Academy, reported the following order:

Whereas an Act of the Legislature of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts was passed on the seventh day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety two, entitled "An Act for establishing an Academy in the town of Machias, by the name of Washington Academy; and whereas, by said Act a township of land was granted to the Revd James Lyon and others appointed by said act, Trustees of said Academy and their successors, for the endowment of the same; and whereas this Legislature has reason to believe that no such Institution is or has been in operation-- Therefore,

Ordered, that the Secretary of State notify the Trustees of said Academy to appear before the next Legislature, on, or before the third Wednesday of the first session thereof, and exhibit to said Legislature a true and perfect statement of the funds