[Report - Laws of U. States]
[Copy of Laws to Maine Historical Society]
Secretary's office -also to consider the expediency of presenting a copy of the laws and resolves of this state to the Secretary of the Maine Historical Society reported a Resolve - report read and accepted.
[Resolve - for distributing Laws of U. States &c ]
resolve for distributing the laws of the United States & for other purposes - was read & passed to be engrossed. Sent up for concurrence.
[Establishing imprisonment for debt]
Ordered that Messrs Smith, Pierce & Clark be a committee with such as the Senate may join to consider the expediency of abolishing imprisonment for debt. read & passed. Sent up for concurrence.
[Report - Cons. Soc Shapleigh]
Report of the committee to whom was recommitted the petition of the Congregational Society of Shapleigh - cam down accepted for concurrence - and the House concurred.
Petition of the Trustees of Brunswick academy for pecuniary aid came from the Senate referred to the committee on State Lands for concurrence - and the House concurred.
Petition of the Inh. of Sunkhaze plantation for the erection of a bridge over Great Works Streams - which on the 9th inst. was referred to the committee on Turnpikes, Bridges & Canals came from the Senate nonconcurred & referred to the committee on State Lands for concurrence & the House concurred.
Petition of Thomas L Abbot & als owners of the stage levie [?] between Portland & Conway, which on the 15th instant was referred to the committee on the incorporation of Parishes &c - came down referred to the committee on application for manufacturing companies - and the House concurred -
[Report - Isleboro]
Report on the petition of the town Islesboro; granting and order of notice came down accepted for concurrence - and the House concurred.