Vice President came from the Senate, non concurred as to passing it in the new draft and adhering to their former vote whereby they passed the original Resolve - The House also adhered to their vote passing the new draft.
[Enacted -]
The committee on engrossed Bills reported as duly engrossed bills, additional to an act regulating damages on Inland Bills of Exchange - additional to set off part of lot no 10 from Canton to Jay - to prevent foreigners from cutting timber on the lands belongings { to the Passamaquoddy Indians. - additional to the act incorporating Bar Mill Bridge Proprietors - were severally passed to be enacted - Sent up for concurrence -
[Resolve finally passed.]
The same committee reported as duly engrossed - Resolves - relating to the accounts of Anson G Chandler & Rufus K Lane - in favor of Ebenezer C Wilden - were severally finally passed. Sent up for concurrence.