� [the following is a pre-printed form with handwritten insertions and corrections]
Hancock[handwritten] SS.
At a Circuit Court of Common Pleas, begun and holden at Castine[handwritten] within and for the County of Hancock[handwritten] on the second Tues[handwritten] day of July[handwritten] 1820[stricken] 1821.
On this twelfth[handwritten] day of July[handwritten] 1820[stricken] 1821, being the Third[handwritten] day of said term, personally appeared in open court, being a court of record by the laws of said state, with power of fine and imprisonment Joseph Beal[handwritten] aged sixtyfour[handwritten] years, resident in Frankfort[handwritten] in said county, who being first duly sworn according to law doth on his oath declare that he served in the revolutionary war as follows, to wit:
one year as a private in the year 1776 in Sam'l Denbys comp in Wm Brooks Regiment Massachusetts Line also three years from 1777 to 1780 in Capt Cushing's comp and Col Vose Regiment also from the exhaustion of the inlistment in the same Regiment during the war in the Massachusetts Line
[pre-printed form with handwritten insertions] of all which I made declaration before the Honorable Judge Kinsley[handwritten] on the fourth[handwritten] day of April[handwritten] 1818, and have received my pension certificate thereof, No. 9078[handwritten] and I do solemnly swear, that I was a resident citizen in the United States on the eighteenth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, and that I have not since that time, by gift, sale, or in any manner whatever, disposed of my property, or any part thereof, with intent thereby so to diminish it as to bring myself within the provisions of an act of Congress, entitled "An Act to provide for certain persons engaged in the land and naval service of the United States in the Revolutionary War," passed on the eighteenth day of March one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, and that I have not, nor has any person in trust for me, any property or securities, contracts or debts, due to me; nor have I any income, other than what is contained in the schedule hereto annexed, and by me subscribed.
Joseph Beal[signature] Sworn to and declared on the twelfth[handwritten] day of July[handwritten] before the Court[handwritten] Att. Wm Crosby James Campbell Judges