R. continued -
Resolves - in favor of Bennet Pike 25. 27. 38. 45. 49.
- for the relief of William Norwood 36. 62.
- in favor of Bennet Pike, Luther Richardson & William Haskell. 45. 49. 62.
- for distributing the laws of the U. States & for other purposes. 50. 127. 138.
- in favor of Thurston Card 54. 58. 65
- in addition to a Resolve apportioning the Representatives on several Counties &. 68. 202. 103.
- in petition of John Lowell adm' of estate of Hon. John Lowell deceased. 70. 80.
- in favor of John Carleton 2nd - - - 70. 74.
- respecting the location of the Courts in York County 70. 110. 126.
- confirming the doings of the town of Cornish 70. 80.
- for the relief of the town of Minot 70. 80.
- on the petition of Jesse Page 70. 80.
- authorizing the town of Frankfort to raise money for certain purposes. 70 80.
- for making valid the marriage of George Smith 71. 80.
- confirming the doings of the town of Newry 71. 80.
- on petition of Parker Noyes 74. 80.
- in favor of Heman Nye 77. 84. 100.
- on the petition of Levi Thaxter 77. 100.
- in favor of James Campbell 81. 88. 100.
- in favor of Theophilus Dow & Evis Ward 81. 95. 103.
- in favor of Moses Lowell 81. 95. 103.
- in favor of Daniel Roses & als 95. 103.
- in favor of George Watson 95. 112.