[Bills - enacted]
The committee on engrossed bills reported as duly engrossed, Bill, to incorporate Hancock Lodge - to set off a part of lot No9-10th range from Canton { and annex the Same to Jay - to incorporate Orient Lodge - were severally passed to be enacted sent up for concurrence
[Resolves - do]
The same committee reported as duly engrossed Resolve, confirming the doings of the town of Gilead - confirming the doings of the town of Putnam - were severally finally passed. Sent up for concurrence
[Bill - South Berwick Bank.]
Bill to incorporate South Berwick Bank, which passed this House 21st inst, came back from the Senate with amendment, for concurrence - and the House concurred.
[Report - on subject of Seat of Government.]
The Committee on the report made by the committee appointed under Resolve of last session on the subject of the seat of Government - reported that it is expedient for the Legislature to accept said report and fix the permanent seat of government at Augusta and tomorrow at 10 oclock was assigned to take the subject of this report into consideration.