No Resolve, or Order, making any grant of money, lands, or other public property, shall be finally passed without being twice read; nor shall such resolve or order have a second reading unless a time not less than once hour be assigned therefor; and before any such resolve or order shall finally pass, it shall be reported by the Committee for the examination of engrossed Bills, to be truly copied on paper from the original, and the title thereof read by the President.
Upon the second reading of a Bill, after the same shall be read through, and before the question is put upon its passage, if shall be read and considered by paragraphs at the request of any Member of the Board.
[Rules & Orders.]
An amendment proposed may be amended before it is adopted, but not afterwards, except the vote adopting it be first reconsidered.
All committees shall be nominated by the President (except when it may be determined that the election may be by ballot and appointed by the Board.
No Member shall absent himself from the Senate without leave, unless there be a quorum left present at the Board.
No question upon any application of a private nature having been decided upon by the Legislature at one session, shall be taken up and considered again at the next session of the same Legislature.
No Rules shall be dispensed with except the consent of two third of the members present.
When a question is under debate, no motion shall be