442 Afternoon. Met according to adjournment.
[Bills enacted] Committee on Engrossed Bills report as duly engrossed - Bills "defining the powers of the Judicial Courts in granting Reviews & for other purposes" "for the better managing lands, wharves and other Real estate, lying in common." " for erecting Work houses for the reception and employment of the Idle and Indigent." "directing the manner of conveyance to be used by Counties in purchasing and disposing of Lands." "describing the power of Justices of the Peace in civil and criminal cases." "to establish the Cumberland and Oxford Canal Corporation" "respecting the attachment of property on mesne process and directing the issuing, extending and serving Executions." "fixing the toll upon Logs in the side Booms in Androscoggin River in the Towns of Topsham and Brunswick." "to prevent tenants in common, joint tenants and Coparceners from committing waste and for other purposes" which severally passed to be enacted.
[Leave of absence] Mr McIntire of York & Mr Carr of Bowdoinham have lave of absence during the remainder of the Session.
[Resolve - allowing salary of 1000$ to Judge Crosby] Resolve allowing an annual payment out of the State Treasury to the chief Justice of the Circuit