1.04--Agent to Repair to Boston Respecting the Northeastern Boundary. Authorized by R. 1832, c. 2.
Duties--repair to Boston and deliver to the Executive of Massachusetts a copy of all resolves concerning the Northeastern Boundary question; lay the same before the Legislature of Massachusetts and to each member of the Council.
Additional information--appointed by the Governor with advice of Council.
Legislative History: R. 1832, cc. 2; 91.
1.05--Commissioners and Surveyors of the Northeastern Boundary. Created by R. 1838, c. 89.
Duties--ascertain, run and locate the Northeast Boundary Line of this State.
Additional information--due to the failure of the U.S. Government to establish and appoint a commission for the survey of said boundary, it was necessary for the Governor of Maine to appoint suitable commissioners and surveyors.
Legislative History:
R. 1838, c. 89. R. 1839, c. 49. R. 1842, C. 34.
1.06--Land Agent in Relation to Northeastern Boundary. Created by R. 1839, c. 27.
Duties--arrest, detain and imprison all persons found trespassing on the public lands of this State.
Additional information--appointed by the Governor.
Legislative History:
R. 1839, c. 27.
1.07--Commission Regarding the Northeastern Boundary. Created by R. 18421 C. 111.
Duties--confer with the authorities in Washington, D.C. in order to establish a conventional line, or line by agreement, between Maine and the British provinces.
Members--4 chosen by ballot in both branches of the Legislature. Vacancies filled by Governor with advice and consent of Council.