Committee on State Lands - and sent down for concurrence - came up concurred -
[Pets. Abraham Butterfield]
Petition of Abraham Butterfield and other praying that a law may be passed regulating the taking of herrings in Machias river - was read and committed to the Joint Standing Committee on Interior Fisheries and sent down for concurrence - came up concurred.
[John Hilton & als]
Petition of John Hilton and others praying for revision of the law passed in 1821 relative to the education of youth - was read and committed to Messrs Wilson and Killeran with such as the House may join - and sent down for concurrence -
[Court Sessions of Somerset County]
On motion of Mr Wilson the petition of Somerset Court of Sessions was ordered to be taken from the files of the Senate and laid on the table - referred to the Joint Standing Committee on Incorporation of Towns - and sent down for concurrence -
Adjourned to 9 oclock tomorrow morning -