39 Petition of Albert Cargill & als for a new County by the name of Waldo - " Ebenezer Everett & als for a new County by the name of Waldo - " of Benja L Deane & als for a new County by the name of Knox " of Albert Cargill & als of Montville plantation to be incorporated as a town - also
Remonstrances of William Lewis & als angst a division of the town of New Vineyard - " of Abraham Thomas & als agst a division of the County of Hancock - " of Jonathan Brown & als agst the petition of William Patterson " of George Williams & als agst the division of the town of Bowdoin - " of the town of Litchfield agst a division thereof " of the town of Bowdoin agst a division thereof were severally read and referred tot he committee on the incorporation of towns. Sent up for concurrence.
Adjourned until nine oclock tomorrow morning.
Attest James L Child Clerk.