� At a legal townmeeting of the inhabitants of Union in the county of Lincoln on the first monday of September [?] one thousand eight hundred & fifteen having the the qualifications required by the constitution of this Commonwealth to vote for Senators
The undersigned Selectmen of said town in open townmeeting received sorted & counted
in presence of the town clerk the written votes of said qualified inhabitants on the question Is it expedient that the District of Maine shall be separated from Massachusetts & become an independent State upon the terms and conditions provided in an act entitled An act concerning the separation of the District of Maine from Massachusetts Proper and forming the same into a separate and independent State and also the written vote of said qualified inhabitants for the choice of a Delegate who with other Delegates shall assemble in convention on the last monday of September instant at the meetinghouse near the college in Brunswick in said District of Maine & the said votes on the above question were declared to be as follows