home on a furlough, and there are yet others who should be treated in the same manner – many of the recruits sent here last, as I am informed by the officers come wholly unfit for duty. I knew at the time they were sent from Bangor that was true with regard to some, but as I had nothing to do with the examinations it did not become me to interfere – If more men are enlisted to fill up this Regt. I think recruiting officers should by all means be sent from[?] here[?], and even[?] medical examiners if at all consistent[?] – Doct. McReuer made act a requisition[?] upon the authorities at Washington for certain articles needed in the Hospital Department, but was informed that a certain [?] were to be furnished by the state – accompanying I send a list of those articles indispensable to the comfort of the sick – It is not nearly as large as Dr. McR’s list or as we are entitled to, as you will see by the Regulation of the Medical Department of the army