78 Saturday January 19 1828
Met according to adjournment.
A communication was received from Timothy Pilsbury Esq Counsellor elect, signifying his acceptance.
Bill for altering the time of holding the Court of Sessions in the County of Hancock, was read a third time + passed to be engrossed in concurrence with the Senate.
A message came from the Senate by Mr Hutchinson their Secretary proposing a convention forthwith in the Representatives Chamber for the purpose of qualifying Timothy Pilsbury Esquire Counsellor elect. The House concurred and the Clerk was requested to acquaint the Senate therewith.
Accordingly the two branches met in convention in the Representatives Chamber when Timothy Pilsbury, Counsellor elect came in and took and subscribed the oaths required by the constitution to qualify him to enter upon a discharge of the duties of his office.
On motion of Mr Carpenter of Howland Ordered that the committee on Internal improvement be directed to inquire into the expediency of making appropriation for completing the Mattanawcook Road, with leave +c. read + passed. Sent up for concurrence.
Bill regulating attachments on Real Estate, was read once and order to lie on the table + two hundred copies were ordered to be printed for the use of the members.
On motion of Mr Lord of Kennebunkport, Ordered that the committee on the Judiciary be instructed