82 Monday January 21st 1828
Met according to adjournment
Reports on the petitions of John Crane +al " of Selectmen of Chesterville " of James Williams +al granting leave to withdraw, came from the Senate accepted
for concurrence and the House concurred.
Reports on the petitions of Elkanah Hanscomb +al " of Benjamin Jones +al " of John Bennock + al granting leave for Bills, came from the Senate accepted for con currence and the House concurred.
Report on the above petition of John Bennock +al + Remonstrance of John Roberts +al agst the petition of John Bennock +al were referred to the committee on Turnpikes, Bridges + Canal in concurrence with the Senate.
An order came form the Senate for concurrence directing the joint standing committee on the Judiciary to inquire into the expe diency of providing by law for the issuing policies of Insurance agst loss or damage by fire, at the risk and for the benefit of the State and the House concurred.
Report on the petition of Isaac Ilsley + others in behalf of the Mariners Church + accompanying papers taken from the last years files of the Senate, came from the Senate referred to the committee on Parishes +c for concurrence and the House con curred.
A communication was received from Amos Nichols Esq