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Bills B [Index] authorizing the town of Addison to build}

    a Bridge                                            } 104. 115. 133

to authorize the sale of Ministerial & }

    school lands in Anson                      } 108.124.148

to incorporate Anson Academy } 123. 216. 220. 250 to incorporate Alna Lodge 108. 115. 132 increasing the Salaries of the Adjutant }

    General & Secretary of State           }  126.141.185. 252

to incorporate the Augusta & Bangor }

    Stage Company                               }   213. 221. 242

respecting Academies incorporated }

    within the State                                } 220. 225. 237. 259

to incorporate Brunswick Academy } 26. 47. 127. 148 entitled an additional Act relating } to the Ministerial fund in the town of Bridgton} 64. 72. 81 to incorporate the proprietors of Portland}

    Bridge                                                 } 170. 186. 224. 251

to annex part of Monroe to Brooks } 115. 123. 133. 148. to incorporate the proprietors of }

    Lewiston Bridge                               } 118. 127. 139. 165. 167

Additional to An Act authorizing the }

    sale of Ministerial lands in Baldwin } 127. 132. 159. 173