[Top right corner: Confidential]
[Top left corner written sideways: Col. Roberts
Fort Corcoran
Sept. 6]
Head Quarters
Fort Corcoran
2nd Regt. Maine Volunteers
Sept 6th, 1861
Dear Sir
On the 4th inst I telegraphed[?] you as follows “Send Major. Commission to Captain, F. C. Foss, yesterday I telegraphed[?] you to delay sending the same at present
After looking at the matter I came to the conclusion (at the time I sent the first despatch [dispatch]), that if you exercised the power of promoting Field Officers, you might also exercise the same in relation to appointments, but a debate arising in regard to the question, [?] the commissioned officers, the same being overheard by me, I immediately ordered an election at 7 1/2 O Clock this eve at the same time countermanding my first despatch [dispatch]. The Election is just over and the [?] is as follows vis [viz]
1st Ballot 22 Votes - necessary for a choice 12
Capt Daniel Chaplain 9-
2nd Whole number 22, Captain Chaplain twelve, the