at ten oclock assigned for a third reading.
On motion of Mr Foster of Machias, Ordered, that the committee on the Judiciary be instructed to inquire into the expediency of so altering or amending the existing laws for the regulation of Inholders &c, that it shall not be lawful for common victuallers and retailers to sell any Rum, Brandy or other strong liquors to be mixed or drank in or about their Stores, Houses &c - And to consider whether any further provisions are necessary additional to the provisions of said laws - with leave &c - read & passed. Sent up for concurrence.
Bill additional to an act enabling the owners of Meeting Houses to manage the same, was read a third time & passed to be engrossed. Sent up for concurrence.
The order of this House of the 15th inst. appointing a special committee to be joined by the Senate on the subject of a revision of the law regulating the solemnization of marriages, came down nonconcurred and the subject matter thereof referred to the committee on the Judiciary for concurrence - and the House concurred.
The order of this House of the 14th inst appointing a special committee to be joined by the Senate on the subject of an alteration of the existing laws in relation to the powers of the Superintending School Committees &c. came from the Senate nonconcurred, and referred to the committee on Literature &c for concurrence - and the House concurred.
Report on the petition of James Ridley & als, ordering notice returnable the present session, came from the Senate amended so as to make the notice returnable to the next Legislature for concurrence - The House refused to concur with the Senate in their proposed amendment, and accepted the original report. Sent up for concurrence.