121 was read and referred to the Committee who have that subject under consideration - sent up for concurrence.
A message was received from the Senate informing the House that they have reconsidered their vote whereby they passed to be engrossed Bill to modify the Charter of the Canal Bank relative to the number of directors amended the same as on sheet annexed marked X and passed the same to be Engrossed as thus amended requesting the concurrence of the House and the House concurred and the Clerk by message acquainted the Senate therewith
Remonstrance of Phillip Lewis and others against the Petition of A. Curtis and als was read and referred to the Committee on Turnpikes Bridges and Canals - sent up for concurrence.
On motion of Mr. Hinkley of Bluehill Ordered that the Joint Standing Committee on the Judiciary be instructed to enquire into the expediency of providing by law a method by which a creditor having attached a right in equity may ascertain the amount due therein previous to the sale thereof as contemplated in the Act entitled an Act respecting the attachment of property on Mesne Process and directing the issuing extending and serving of Executions approved March 15th 1821 Read and passed - Sent up for concurrence.