135 of erecting a New Gun House in Belfast head and passed Sent up for concurrence
Message from the Governor To the Senate and House of Representatives I herewith transmit for the consideration of the Legislature a joint Resolution of this Senate and Assembly of the State of New York in relation to the Militia and the public defense Council Chamber Robert P Dunlap January 23rd 1834 Which Message came from the Senate referred to the Committee on the Militia for concurrence and the House concurred sent up
Resolve in favour of Edward F Gay - respecting lands on the Isle of Holt were read once and tomorrow at two oclock assigned for a second reading
Bill extending the charter of Maine charitable Mechanic Association - incorporating the town of Marion - additional respecting Judicial process and proceedings - to prevent injuries done to Boom H Rafts were severally read a first and second time and tomorrow at ten oclock assigned for a third reading
Bill to incorporate the Odons Lodge Fishing Company