123 Company was read a third time and passed to be Engrossed as amended on sheet annexed marked A - sent up for concurrence.
Bill to incorporate the town of Stoneham
to incorporate the Bangor and Dexter Stage Company
to incorporate the Falmouth Academy
to repeal an Act respecting the packing and inspection of Smoked and Pickled Fish
were read a first and second time and tomorrow at ten o'clock assigned for a third reading.
Resolve authorizing the purchase and distribution of Greenleaf's Reports was read once in a new draft and tomorrow at 10 o'clock assigned for a third reading.
Bill to prohibit Minors from the practice of Law was read a third time and ordered to lie on the table
Bill altering the time of holding the Court of Common Pleas in the County of Penobscot was read a second time and ordered to lie on the table
And the House adjourned Attest Asaph R. Nichols Clerk