147 Monday January 27th 1834
Met according to adjournment
Bill additional regulating the tolls on the Stillwater Canal and also extending the time for completing the same was taken up - read a second time and tomorrow at 11 o'clock assigned for a third reading.
Mr. O'Brien of Machias rose in his place and said - The painful duty devolves on me of announcing to this House, the solemn providence that has severed from us a highly valued member. The Hon. Mr. Cushman member from Winslow died at his lodgings this morning His spirit has returned to him that gave it . The place that so recently knew him here will know him no more forever. He was one of the relics of another generation of men - one of the patriots of the Revolution that lingered among us a little behind their contemporaries. In that eventful struggle, he was among the foremost. This then youthful bosom was bared to the bayonet of the enemy. He bears to his grave, honourable scars of that service. The voice of his fellow citizens has often called him to high and responsible places. His public acts are not only spread before the people of this State, but before the Nation. To public opinion, that most unerring of human tribunals I fearlessly leave their