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[8] P. Dunlap, sixty seven for Daniel Goodenow and three for Thomas A. Hill, because they appeared to have been given at a meeting held on the second Monday of September A.D. 1830. The Committee allowed and counted the votes given by sundry persons residing upon an organized territory lying north and south of the town of Lincoln and [classed?] with said town of Lincoln for the choice of a Representative, being thirty six for Robert P Dunlap and one for Daniel Goodenow, at the annual meeting in said town of Lincoln and duly returned by the Selectmen and Town clerk of said town of Lincoln and also the votes given at the annual meeting in the town of Burlington by sundry persons residing on an unorganized territory adjoining said town of Burlington and [classed?] therewith as aforesaid being five for Robert P. Dunlap. the same having been duly returned by the Selectmen and town clerk of said town of Burlington although it did not appear by said returns that said individuals have been taxed, or had applied to be taxed in the towns to which they were adjacent and in which their votes were given yet inasmuch as the contrary did not appear their votes were allowed by your Committee. There were no returns from the towns of Corinth, Perry, swan's Island or Madawaska". Which report was read and accepted. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.

The bill entitled "an act in addition to an act regulating judicial process & proceedings" and "Resolve relating to the public lands" returned by the Governor yesterday with his objections to the approval of the same were severally read, together with said objections and laid upon the table.