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Resolve for the benefit of the Maine Wesleyan Seminary was read a second time and on motion of Mr Labaree, ordered to lie upon the table.

Resolve in favor of Stephen Emerson, " providing for the purchase of the two first volumes of the Laws of Maine, severally read a second time, and ordered to lay upon the table.

The Senate reconsider their vote of the 30th January, accepting the report on the petition of henry Snow and others, and ordered that the same be recommitted in concurrence.

A message was received that the House had reconsidered their vote accepting the report, ordering notice to the next Legislature, on petition of Enoch Craig Jr and others and requesting the concurrence of the Senate and the return of the papers to the House, The Senate concurred, and the papers were accordingly returned by the Secretary.

Resolve respecting the Treasury, reported in the House by the Committee on Finance to which was referred an order of the House relation to "system for the management of the financial concerns, was read once, and " resolve in favor of the town of Pittsfield, was read a second time, and severally passed to be engrossed in concurrence.

On motion of Mr Smith, ordered, that the Committee on the Judiciary be instructed to inquire into the expediency of providing by law that hay, compressed for shipping, shall be inspected.

Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.