150 diency of providing by law that the estates of inselvent debtors shall be settled in the same way as the estates of deceased persons are settled - . Sent up for concurrence.
The committee on engrossed Bills reported as truly engrossed Bill an act for the preservation, and to regulate the taking of fish in Crooked River, between long Pond in the town of Albany in the County of Oxford inclusive, and Sebago Pond - an additional Act to establish the Bucksport and Prospect Ferry Company An act additional requiring the use of Broad rimmed wheels in the town of Hallowell in certain cases which were severally passed to be enacted. Sent up for concurrence
The same committee reported as truly engrossed Resolve in favor of Joshua Elden providing for the purchase and distribution of Greenleafs Report
which were severally finally passed. Sent up for concurrence
An order came from the Senate instructing the committee who have under consideration the subjects relating to the Stream Navigation Company to enquire and report what course ought to be adopted in relation to the Bond signed by the managers of the Oxford and Cumberland Canal Lottery, and also that said Committee, be instructed and authorized to send forthwith for persons and papers, and to sum non witnesses if by them deemed necessary touching the several subjects submitted to them relating to both corporations as aforesaid. and the House concurred