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[upper right corner] 17 The Secretary of State then made proclamation that Robert P. Dunlap [bold] is Governor of the State of Maine [bold] for the current political year and to be respected and obeyed as such. The Governor & Council then withdrew and the Convention seperated.

In Senate. [underlined bold header]

On motion of Mr. Barnard, Ordered, that a message be sent to the Gov- ernor informing him that the Senate are now in ses- ssion and are ready to receive any communica- tion he may be pleased to make; which mes- sage was delivered by the Secretary.

The Secretary of State came in and laid upon the table a written Message from the Governor accompanied by sundry documents; which mes- sage was read, and, on motion of Mr. Purinton, ordered to lie on the table, and that five hundred copies be printed for the use of the Senate.