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16 The Senate[underlined]

On motion of Mr Talbot. Ordered[underlined]. that Messrs Talbot. Severence and Green be a Committee, with such as the House may join to wait upon the Governor; and inform him that the two Branches of the Legislature are now in session and ready to receive any communication he may please to make.  
Read and passed. Sent down for concurrence. 
 Concurred and Messre Paris, Emery of Saco: Humphrey: Higgins and Sproul are joined
Which Committee, having attended to the duties assigned them, reported that the Governor was pleased to say that he would forthwith communicate by message to both branches of the Legislature through the Secretary of State.
The Secretary of State came in and laid upon the table a written message from the Governor accompanied by the Report of the Commissioners appointed to consult with the civil authorities and merchants of the Canadas upon the subject of a "Rail Road from Quebec to some point on our Atlantic Seaboard", which was read and ordered to lie on the table, and that six hundred copies of the message, with the accompanying documents be printed for the use of the Senate.