Committee on Literary Instutions [Institutions] sent up for concurrance [concurrence]
Petition of Benjamin Creasey for a grant of Land was read and referred to the Committee on State Lands sent up for concurrance [concurrence]
Remonstrance of J. Dickinson against the petition of B. Holbrook and others was read and referred to the Committee on Division of Towns sent up for concurrance [concurrence]
Bill to incorporate the City of Bangor was read a first and second time and ordered to lie on the table and 300 copies thereof be printed for the use of the Legislature
Bill to incorporate the Stroudwater Mill Dam Company was read a third time and passed to be Engrossed in concurrance [concurrence] with the Senate sent up
Bill defineing the time on which public acts Statutes shall take effect was read a first and Second time and tommorow [tomorrow] at ten oclock assigned for a third reading
Resolve in favour of Jabez Bradbury was read once and tomorrow at ten oclock assigned for a 2d. reading