62. Saturday, January 16, 1836
A Communication was received from Charles Greene, counsellor elect, signifying his acceptance and his readings to take and subscribe the oaths required by the constitution, read and sent down.
Mr. Talbot from the committee on Roads and Bridges reported orders of notice on petition of Eli Mitchell and others, read and accepted. Sent down for concurrence. concurred
Mr. Morrow from the committee on division of Towns. reported leave to withdraw on petition of James Fillmore and others, read and accepted. sent down for concurrence, Concurred.
On motion of Mr. Clark Ordered that a message be sent to the House of Representatives, proposing a convention of the two houses in the Representatives hall this day at eleven o'clock for the purpose of qualifying Charles Greene, counsellor elect who has signified his acceptance and his readings to take and subscribe the oaths of office. which message was delivered by the secretary.
A message was delivered from the House of Representatives concurring in the forging proposition.
A message was received from the Governor transmitting the report and resolutions adopted by the legislature of South Carolina in relation to domestic slavery and the proceeding's of the abolitionists in the nonslaved.