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Parkers Bay in the town of Phipsburg (reported in the House by the same Committee on petition of William M. Read and others;) Bill to provide for the sale and distribution of the Ministorial and School lands in Plantation No. 1, Oxford County (reported by the Committee on Parishes, on petition of Thomas Pickard and others;) -"- to incorporate Bethel Academy (reported by the Committee on Literature and Literary Institutions, on petition of John Harris and others;) -"- to regulate the execution of the punishment of death (reported in the House by the Committee on the Judiciary severally read once and tomorrow at ten o'clock assigned for a second reading.

Petition of Peol Nichola and others, Indians of the Penobscot Tribe, praying for a grant to aid them in their agricultural pursuits, read and referred to the Committee on Agriculture. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.

Petition of Edmund Dresser and others, and -"- of Jonas Jervett and others, praying for a revision of the law relating to Mill Dams, came up. the House insisting on their former reference. The Senate reconsider thus votes referring said petitions to the Committee on Interior Waters and refer the same to the Committee on the Judiciary. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.