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3 Josiah Pierce had 17. Nathaniel Clark 1 Williams Emmons 1. Mr. Pierce was declared the duly elected, signified his acceptance of the office of President by an address, and took the chair.

President's Address. "Gentlemen of the Senate, To be elected by your free suffrages to preside over this branch of the Legislature, is an honor of which I entertain a high sense. For the kind manner in which you have conferred it, be pleased to accept my profound acknowledgements. I approach the station to which your voices have called me, distrusting my ability to meet your just expectation. - The high and responsible duties devolving upon the chair, at all times intricate and arduous, must be especially so to one, inexperienced in discharging them; those responsibilities I should not venture to assume, without a firm reliance on your timely and liberal support. It will be my earnest endeavor to know my duty and perform it; to merit your aid and approbation, by an unremitted aim at justice, impartiality and that preservation of order, which is so essential to the proper transaction of public business, and so necessary to sustain the character and dignity of the Senate. In all our proceedings, may we remember

our responsibility to our constituents, and to our Maker; and may we individually look to the Great Ruler of the Universe for light and wisdom to guide us in all our deliberations; and I indulge the hope that the present session of the Senate will be characterized by forbearance, decorum, magnanimity and a devotion to the public interests."