Tuesday January 28th 1834
Met according to adjournment
Petition of N.E. Paine and als for an academy at Sanford was read and referred to the committee on Literary Institutions sent up for concurrance [concurrence]
Report on Petition of Samuel Andrews & others -on Petition of sundry inhabitants of Otisfield Harrison Bridgton Sebago and Raymond granting an Order of Notice were read and accepted in concurrance [concurrence] with the Senate sent up
Report on Petition of D.B. Glines and others -on Petition of sundry inhabitants of Farmington and other towns for a new County granting on each leave to withdraw were read and accepted in concurrance [concurrence] with the Senate - Sent up
Bill to incorporate the Nequemkeag Mill Dam Company came from the Senate for concurrance [concurrence] they having reconsidered then a former vote passing the same to be engrossed further amend the same as on sheet annexed marked D pass the same to be again engrossed - The House having reconsidered their former vote passing the same to be engrossed adopt the amendment of the Senate