Friday January 31st 1834
Met according to adjournment
Report on Petition of Jonathan Pickard and others - " - of Simeon Perkins - " - of Henry Snow and others - " - of H.G. Brown and others - " - of Benja. Jackson and others - " - of Exchange Bank - " - of E. Richardson and others grating [granting] leave to withdraw were severally read and accepted in concurrance [concurrence] with the Senate sent up
Report on Petition of James Thomas and others - " - of sundry Inhabitants of sundry towns in Somerset and Oxford County to be annexed to Kennebec referring the same to the next Legislature were read and accepted in concurrance [concurrence] with the Senate Sent up
Petition of John Francis and another in behalf of the Passamaquody Indians was read and referred to the Committee on State Lands in concurrance [concurrence] with the Senate
The House reconsider their vote of yesterday whereby they concurred with the Senate in the proposed convention this day at 11 o clock for the purpose of chooseing [choosing] a Treasurer of State requesting the concurrance [concurrence] of the Senate and the Clerk com